Air Purifiers

An Air Purifier improves the quality of your air indoors, with its advanced technology and ultra quiet operation.
Clean air can be defined as having all harmful particles and contaminants removed, but Daikin goes even further.  Our air purification technology is designed to eliminate not only large particles but also dust, odours, bacteria, pet hair, mould, pollen, mites and other allergens, leaving your air clean and healthy.


A Daikin Air Purifier is ideal if you suffer from asthma, hay fever or allergies, particularly if your condition keeps you awake at night. With a 6-layer powerful decomposition and removal system, Daikin’s Air Purifier helps eliminate bacteria, airborne particles, allergens, pollen and unpleasant odours.


DaikinMitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)RinnaiHisensePanasonicFujitsuMitsubishi ElectricLGTECOiZoneHitachiBraemar

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