Multi-Split Systems are one of today's most advanced forms of air conditioning. They are very similar to a split system air conditioning, but with one outdoor unit connected to up to six indoor units simultaneously, yet it remains highly energy efficient when operating just one indoor unit at low capacity. A multi-split system provides individual control of each room’s temperatures. In addition to having unique temperature regulation, it also provides a money-saving advantage, since you can heat or cool only those rooms you are using versus the entire house.
It is ideal for multiple rooms that are reasonably close together, especially when separate split-systems or a ducted system aren't suitable.
CONTACT US NOW Brisbane (07) 3219 1817, Sydney (02) 91 88 68 77 or email our friendly sales team
Multi-split air conditioning provides comfort in a variety of situations from home to office and store. It can be used in residential and commercial operations. If you want to keep a large floor as well as many rooms comfortable, we recommend you use Multi-Split to build a simple system using one outdoor unit. Wide range of needs can be met from rooms of private homes to large shops and hotels. At Lawson Air, we can assist you in building the optimum system you require.
All indoor units can be batched controlled using simple operations. Schedule management and other functions can be used to achieve even greater energy savings.
CONTACT US NOW Brisbane (07) 3219 1817, Sydney (02) 91 88 68 77 or email our friendly sales team
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